Perun Configuration files

Perun stores its configuration in Yaml format, either locally for each wrapped repository, or globally for the whole system (see Configuration types). Most of the configuration options is recursively looked up in the hierarchy, created by local and global configurations, until the option is found in the nearest configuration. Refer to List of Supported Options for description of options, such as formatting strings for status and log outputs, specification of job matrix (in more details described in Job Matrix Format) or information about wrapped repository.

In order to configure your local instance of Perun run the following:

perun config --edit

This will open the nearest local configuration in text editor (by default in vim) and lets you modify the options w.r.t. Yaml format.

Configuration types

Perun uses two types of configurations: global and local. The global configuration contains options shared by all of the Perun instances found on the host and the local configuration corresponds to concrete wrapped repositories (which can, obviously, be of different type, with different projects and different profiling information). Both global and local configurations have several options restricted only to their type (which is emphasized in the description of individual option). The rest of the options can then be looked up either recursively (i.e. first we check the nearest local perun instance, and traverse to higher instances until we find the searched option or eventually end up in the global configuration) or gathered from all of the configurations from the whole configuration hierarchy (ordered by the depth of the hierarchy, i.e. options found in global configuration will be on the bottom of the list). Options are specified by configuration sections, subsections and then concrete options delimited by ., e.g. local.general.editor corresponds to the editor option in the general section in local configuration.

The location of global configuration differs according to the host system. In UNIX systems, the global configuration can be found at:


In Windows systems it is located in user storage:


List of Supported Options


[local-only] Section, which contains options corresponding to the version control system that is wrapped by instance of Perun. Specifies e.g. the type (in order to call corresponding auxiliary functions), the location in the filesystem or wrapper specific options (e.g. the lightweight custom tagit vcs constains additional options).


[local-only] Specifies the type of the wrapped version control system, in order to call corresponding auxiliary functions. Currently git is supported, with custom lightweight vcs tagit in development.


[local-only] Specifies path to the wrapped version control system, either as an absolute or a relative path that leads to the directory, where the root of the wrapped repository is (e.g. where .git is).


Section, which contains options and specifications potentially shared by more Perun instances. This section contains e.g. underlying text editor for editing, or paging strategy etc.


Sets the paging for perun log and perun status. Paging can be currently set to the following four options: always (both log and status will be paged), only-log (only output of log will be paged), only-status (only output of status will be paged and never. By default only-log is used in the configuration. The behaviour of paging can be overwritten by option --no-pager (see Command Line Interface).


[recursive] Sets user choice of text editor, that is e.g. used for manual text-editing of configuration files of Perun. Specified editor needs to be executable, has to take the filename as an argument and will be called as general.editor config.yml. By default general.editor is set to vim.


This section contains various formatting specifications e.g. formatting specifications for perun log and perun status.


[recursive] Specifies the formatting string for the output of the perun status command. The formatting string can contain raw delimiters and special tags, which are used to output concrete information about each profile, like e.g. command it corresponds to, type of the profile, time of creation, etc. Refer to Customizing Statuses for more information regarding the formatting strings for perun status.

E.g. the following formatting string:

┃ %type% ┃ %cmd% ┃ %workload% ┃ %collector%  ┃ (%time%) ┃

will yield the following status when running perun status (both for stored and pending profiles):

  id ┃   type  ┃  cmd   ┃ workload ┃ collector  ┃         time        ┃
 0@p ┃ [mixed] ┃ target ┃ hello    ┃ complexity ┃ 2017-09-07 14:41:49 ┃
 1@p ┃ [time ] ┃ perun  ┃ status   ┃ time       ┃ 2017-10-19 12:30:29 ┃
 2@p ┃ [time ] ┃ perun  ┃ --help   ┃ time       ┃ 2017-10-19 12:30:31 ┃

[recursive] Specifies the formatting string for the output of the short format of perun log command. The formatting string can contain raw characters (delimiters, etc.) and special tags, which are used to output information about concrete minor version (e.g. minor version description, number of assigned profiles, etc.). Refer to Customizing Logs for more information regarding the formatting strings for perun log.

E.g. the following formatting string:

'%id:6% (%stats%) %desc%'

will yield the following output when running perun log --short:

minor   (a|m|x|t profiles) info
53d35c  (2|0|2|0 profiles) Add deleted jobs directory
07f2b4  (1|0|1|0 profiles) Add necessary files for perun to work on this repo.
bd3dc3  ---no--profiles--- root

[recursive] Specifies the format for automatic generation of profile files (e.g. when running perun run job, perun run matrix, perun collect or perun postprocessby. The formatting string consists either of raw characters or special tags, that output information according to the resulting profile. By default the following formatting string is set in the global configuration:


The supported tags are as follows:


Placeholder for the collection unit that collected the profiling data of the given profile. Refer to Supported Collectors for full list of supported collectors.


Placeholder for list of postprocessors that were used on the given profile. The resulting string consists of postprocessor names joined by -and- string, i.e. for example this will output string regressogram-and-regression-analysis.


Placeholder for concrete value of <param> of one unit <unit> (either collector or postprocessor)


Placeholder for the command that was profiled, i.e. some binary, script or command (refer to cmds or Automating Runs for more details).


Placeholder for workload that was supplied to the profiled command (refer to workloads or Automating Runs for more details).


Placeholder for custom user-supplied string label associated with a profile.


Placeholder for global type of the resources of the profile, i.e. memory, time, mixed, etc.


Placeholder for the time and date that the profile was generated in form of YEAR-MONTH-DAY-HOUR-MINUTES-SECONDS.


Placeholder for the origin of the profile, i.e. the minor version identification for which the profiles was generated and the profiling data was collected.


Placeholder for increasing counter (counting from 0) for one run of perun. Note that this may rewrite existing profiles and is mostly meant to distinguish between profiles during one batch run of profile generation (e.g. when perun run matrix is executed).


[recursive] Specifies which key of the profile will be used for sorting the output of the perun status commands. Can be one of the following attributes specified by the class attribute ProfileInfo.valid_attributes:

ProfileInfo.valid_attributes: list[str] = ['realpath', 'type', 'time', 'cmd', 'workload', 'label', 'collector', 'checksum', 'source']

[recursive] Specifies the order which will be used for sorting the output of the perun status commands. Can be either ascending or descending.


Groups various list of commands, that can be executed before specific phases. Currently this contains only pre_run phase, which is executed before any collection of the data. This is mainly meant to execute compiling of the binaries and other stuff to ease the development. Note that these commands are executed without shell, but any risks of commands executed by these commands fall entirely into the user hands and we have no responsibility for them.

All of these list are as follows:

    - echo "Running the code again"
    - make
    - make install

The list of commands above first outputs some text into the standard output, then it runs the makefile to compile the collected binary and then installs it.


[local-only]] Runs the code before the collection of the data. This is meant to prepare the binaries and other settings for the actual collection of the new data.


[local-only] Refer to cmds.


[local-only] Refer to args.


[local-only] Refer to workloads


[local-only] Refer to collectors


[local-only] Refer to postprocessors


Groups various option specific for profiles, such as strategies for adding or generating profiles


If the key is set to a true value (can be 1, true, True, yes, etc.), then after newly generated profile (e.g. by running perun run matrix) is automatically registered in the appropriate minor version index.


Speficies the list of strategies and how they are applied when checked for degradation in methods.


[recursive] If set to true, then before checking profiles of two minor versions, we run the collection for job matrix to collect fresh or unexisting profiles. By default, the output of this phase is discarded into a devnull. This behaviour can be changed by setting the degradation.log_collect.


[recursive] If both degradation.log_collect and degradation.collect_before_check are set to true, then the precollect phase will be saved into a log of form %minor_version$-precollect.log. Otherwise, the output will be stashed into a black hole (i.e. devnull).


[recursive] Specifies which strategies are picked for application, if more than one strategy satisfies the specified constraints. If the key is set to first, then first strategy from the ordered list of degradation.strategies is applied; otherwise if the key is set to all, then all of the strategies from the ordered list are applied.


[gathered] Specifies the rules for application of the performance degradation methods for profiles with corresponding profile configurations (e.g. with concrete profile type, specified collector, etc.). Refer to Configuring Degradation Detection for more details about application of strategies.

The following configuration will apply the Best Model Order Equality method for all of the mixed types of the profiles, which were postprocessed using the Regression Analysis and Average Amount Threshold otherwise.

    - type: mixed
      postprocessor: regression_analysis
      method: bmoe
    - method: aat

[gathered] Specifies generators of the workload. Each workload has to be specified by its id and type, which corresponds to the name of the generator (currently we support only Integer generator, that generates the range of values). Further you can specify rest of the params, where each workload generator has different parameters. The specification can be as follows:

    - id: gen1
      type: integer
      profile_for_each_workload: True
    - id: gen2
      type: integer
      min_range: 10
      max_range: 100
      step: 10

This specifies two integer workload generators gen1 and gen2. The first uses the default range, while the latter specifies the range 10, 20, …, 100. If profile_for_each_workload is set to true value (true, yes, etc.), then isolate profile will be generated for each collected workload. Otherwise the resulting profiles are merged into the one profile, and each resources has additional key called “workload”, that allows using Regression Analysis of amount depending on the workload.

For more details about supported generators refer to List of Supported Workload Generators.

Predefined Configuration Templates

Internally local configuration files are specified w.r.t a Jinja2 template.

This template can further be augmented by named sets of predefined configuration as follows:

1. user configuration is meant for beginner users, that have no experience with Perun and have not read the documentation thoroughly. This contains a basic preconfiguration that should be applicable for most of the projects—data are collected by Time Collector and are automatically registered in the Perun after successful run. The performance is checked using the Average Amount Threshold. Missing profiling info will be looked up automatically.

2. developer configuration is meant for advanced users, that have some understanding of profiling and/or Perun. Fair amount of options are up to the user, such as the collection of the data and the commands that will be profiled.

3. master configuration is meant for experienced users. The configuration will be mostly empty.

The actually set options are specified in the following table. When the option is not set (signaled by - symbol) we output in the configuration table only a commented-out hint.





auto lookup


auto lookup


Time Collector


Average Amount Threshold

Average Amount Threshold














In user configuration, we try to lookup the actual commands and workloads for profiling purpose. Currently for candidate executables we look within a subfolders named build, _build or dist and check if we find any executables. Each found executable is then registered as profiled command. For workloads we look for any file (without restrictions), and we restrict ourselves to subfolders with names such as workload, workloads, examples or payloads. Each compatible file is then registered as workload.

Currently the templates are set by -t option of perun init command (see Perun Commands for details on perun init). By default master configuration is used.

Command Line Interface

We advise to manipulate with configurations using the perun config --edit command. In order to change the nearest local (resp. global) configuration run perun config --local --edit (resp. perun config --shared --edit).

perun config

Manages the stored local and shared configuration.

Perun supports two external configurations:

  1. local.yml: the local configuration stored in .perun directory, containing the keys such as specification of wrapped repository or job matrix used for quick generation of profiles (run perun run matrix --help or refer to Automating Runs for information how to construct the job matrix).

  2. shared.yml: the global configuration shared by all perun instances, containing shared keys, such as text editor, formatting string, etc.

The syntax of the <key> in most operations consists of section separated by dots, e.g. vcs.type specifies type key in vcs section. The lookup of the <key> can be performed in three modes, --local, --shared and --nearest, locating or setting the <key> in local, shared or nearest configuration respectively (e.g. when one is trying to get some key, there may be nested perun instances that do not contain the given key). By default, perun operates in the nearest config mode.

Refer to Perun Configuration files for full description of configurations and Configuration types for full list of configuration options.

E.g. using the following one can retrieve the type of the nearest perun instance wrapper:

$ perun config get vcs.type
vcs.type: git
perun config [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


-l, --local

Sets the local config, i.e. .perun/local.yml, as the source config.

-h, --shared

Sets the shared config, i.e. shared.yml., as the source config

-n, --nearest

Sets the nearest suitable config as the source config. The lookup strategy can differ for set and get/edit.



Edits the configuration file in the…


Looks up the given <key> within the…


Resets the configuration file to a sane…


Sets the value of the <key> to the…

perun config get

Looks up the given <key> within the configuration hierarchy and returns the stored value.

The syntax of the <key> consists of section separated by dots, e.g. vcs.type specifies type key in vcs section. The lookup of the <key> can be performed in three modes, --local, --shared and --nearest, locating the <key> in local, shared or nearest configuration respectively (e.g. when one is trying to get some key, there may be nested perun instances that do not contain the given key). By default, perun operates in the nearest config mode.

Refer to Perun Configuration files for full description of configurations and Configuration types for full list of configuration options.

E.g. using the following can retrieve the type of the nearest perun wrapper:

$ perun config get vcs.type
vcs.type: git

$ perun config --shared get general.editor
general.editor: vim
perun config get [OPTIONS] <key>



Required argument

perun config set

Sets the value of the <key> to the given <value> in the target configuration file.

The syntax of the <key> corresponds of section separated by dots, e.g. vcs.type specifies type key in vcs section. Perun sets the <key> in three modes, --local, --shared and --nearest, which sets the <key> in local, shared or nearest configuration respectively (e.g. when one is trying to get some key, there may be nested perun instances that do not contain the given key). By default, perun will operate in the nearest config mode.

The <value> is arbitrary depending on the key.

Refer to Perun Configuration files for full description of configurations and Configuration types for full list of configuration options and their values.

E.g. using the following can set the log format for nearest perun instance wrapper:

$ perun config set format.shortlog "| %source% | %collector% |"
format.shortlog: | %source% | %collector% |
perun config set [OPTIONS] <key> <value>



Required argument


Required argument

perun config edit

Edits the configuration file in the external editor.

The used editor is specified by the general.editor option, specified in the nearest perun configuration..

Refer to Perun Configuration files for full description of configurations and Configuration types for full list of configuration options.

perun config edit [OPTIONS]